




AIM Conversations

News Archive


Counts of Love

November 29, 2001
ALDP here. If you get confused about who is making the updates, mine will be the ones that aren't signed and Particle San's will be the ones signed with "Particle" and with "yeah" misspelled multiple times. I found some old poop I wrote on my old site about some androgynous kid living in Massechusetts in which I mostly just came up with clever ways of calling him gay and acted outraged. BUT I'M NOT PUTTING IT UP. HAHA. I gotta tell you, I put a lot more work into coming up with stupid gag crimes to blame my lack of content on than I do writing content. Because that's just the kind of HARDCORE guy I am.

November 18, 2001
I came to a realization today, I'll never get around to doing my site. Since, AIM interviews is the only thing I can do. If ALDP WILL HAVE ME, I'll post my gay shit here. Yea...


November 18, 2001
Particle San made my site pretty and I put up the first of editorials to be put up from the late Mr. Popo's Palace. More magic to come. Oh, and ignore any problems you see with the dates. Particle San is like the Rain Man and although he is an excellent web designer(AND LOVER(OH LA LA!)!) he finds concepts like currency and calendars endlessly confusing. Oh yeah, and there will never be a links page because it would require a lot more work than I can tolerate. All you need is love.

November 17, 2001
Finishing touches on ALDP's site. PSaturn must make his banner black for all the magic to come together and explode with pink pleasantry. Yea, once again send ALDP all your love and first born.

Particl San

November 16, 2001
It's I, Particle san. I made this new layout for ALDP and converted all of his pages to it as well. I'm also making a new site, just had to add in my little peice of gay in this update. Send ALDP love, not me.

Particle San