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Counts of Love

Simon Somners Weekly Columnist


Shockingly, the newly emerging pop group, known as “GWA” (Girls With Attitude), is slowly destroying the serenity of the world as we know it!

This “family of friends,” as they call themselves, are comprised of eight highly dangerous nine year 9 year old girls. They have been recently discovered to have been holding high technology anti-telestatis equipment in their recording studio that has the power of controlling minds. Even though nobody knows it right now, the terrorist actions of Osama Bin Laden were all completely controlled by these sinister pop singers. Sandy Wetherbough, top scientific expert on anti-telestatisism, explained to me how it all works. “This equipment that the girls are holding is about as state-of-the-art as it gets. These girls have this huge satellite in orbit right now that is being sent messages from the main computer. That’s what’s in the recording studio. Now this huge satellite sends down these intertelic rays that give the victims brain electro-magnetic pulses that can make the person of choice think whatever the girls programmed into the computer. Tricky, yes. Stoppable, no.”

Shamus Seaworth, the CIA Investigator assigned to this case, thinks we should track down the satellite and blow it to hell. “It’s the only logical thing to do,” said the sensible fox. “All we need to do is track it down, which won’t be so hard, considering 93% of satellites are owned by countries. The others are all owned by private companies that nobody’s ever heard of in their lives. I say we blow all of those ones to hell. Who’s going to notice?” Okay great. So we blast all of those other ones into oblivion. You’re right, it won’t do much. EXCEPT DESTROY THE WORLD’S ECONOMY, YOU ASS!

To conclude, I believe that these kids aren’t going to give up without a fight. They have obviously not yet gone through puberty, and are trying to have their last outburst of bad behavior before, you know. Anyway, to rid ourselves of this problem, I believe that we should round up all the girls in America under the age of ten and execute them. That way, we’re sure to get those suckers in the end! This is Simon Somners, weekly columnist, saying, “GOOD NIGHT AMERICA!”

ALDP'S SUPER UPDATE!  We have attained the names an codenames of the members of GWA.
Andrea AKA Sister Love
Christina AKA Madame Krush
Lisa-Marie AKA Biggz
Cassandra  AKA Maddkass
Jenn AKA Killer
Emily AKA The Wolf
Kayla AKA Phillips Head Johnson
Sophie AKA Fatt McFattz AKA Ugly


Fun activity!  Put your index fingers about an inch in front of your nose.  Point them at eachother and let your vision blur.  It will look like there is a little hot dog floating in front of you!  And the hot dog has finger nails!  And wrinkles like those of your index fingers!  But don't try to bite it!